Monday, November 12, 2007

The CO-OP and Expectations

The first is that I have been wondering a lot about a home-schooling Co-Op. I am not at all adverse to the public school system but I am sure that I will be in just a few years…I am optimistic about it but really honesty do I even expect the public school system ie the government to teach my “gifted” child?. Hardly...Most days I feel like the less the gov does for me the better…So yeah, I’m going to give it a try…but I am not holding my breath. And being a long term thinker I figured that to home school say 5 kids it would require a half day commitment from each parent (mother and father, or an aunt or uncle or cousin…just two figures from each family) which is not that bad at all. I could figure the pedagogy and laws out fairly easily (ha) and we could be on our way to getting our kids taught exactly the way we want…Anyone out there interested or with any useful info PLEASE send it to me cause I think I might be pretty serious. BTW I am getting ready to add a section called…what to expect when everything turns out to not be what you were expecting…I am going to start writing about every single thing that has gone differently than we expected since Miles was born…From the difficulty of feeding as an infant, through the diagnosis process to starting Early Childhood ED…I’m going to discuss how to negotiate FirstSteps or whatever early intervention program is in your area and basically how to become an advocate for your child….I feel like if I had read about all these things before they happened I would have handled them better or at least I would have know what to expect!!!

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